7  Data coverage (years)

Coverage of the Attribute data currently available within ECHILD (years of follow-up).

Key Detail
a HES data are collated by financial year (1st Apr to 31st Mar), which partially covers an academic year (1st Sep to 31st Aug).
b Partial coverage as HES A&E data were experimental and did not have full national coverage.
c Partial coverage as HES Outpatient data were experimental and did not have full national coverage.
d Partial coverage of an academic year as ONS Mortality data were first linked to HES in January 1998.
e The PRU Census were subsumed into the School Census Pupil Level from 2013/14.
f The Early Years Census included 3- to 4-year-olds between 2007/08 and 2012/13. From 2013/14 it includes 2- to 4-year-olds.
g Key Stage 3 assessments ceased after 2012/13.
h Partial coverage of population as between 01/04/1992 & 31/03/2003, CLA data were only collected for a one-third sample (i.e., children with a day of birth divisible by 3).
i Linkage between Education & Social Care modules of NPD began 1 April 2005 for CLA and 1 October 2008 for CIN (partially complete until 2012, mainly applies to under 5-year-olds).
j Not yet ingested to ONS SRS.
k Not collected to help reduce the burden on educational and care settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
l Partial coverage as between the 2002/3 and 2005/6 academic years, data only on a 10% sample of children.
m Not provided with standard institutional identifiers in 2019/20 and 2020/21 as evaluation of individual institutional performance during the pandemic years is not permitted.
n From 2001/02 to 2004/05 annual census exists, from 2005/06 onwards census data are termly.
o ECDS data from October 2017 to 2019/20 are considered pilot data, with ECDS formally replacing HES A&E in 2020/21.
p MHSDS: v1.5 (from 2015/16 to 2018/19) up to v5.0 (from Oct 2021 to Mar 2022).
q Data from October 2002.
r Data from January 1996.