3  Key research purposes

ECHILD will only be used for research that has a clear public benefit in England and Wales to improve the health and well-being of children and young people accessing health, education and social care services. The specific research purposes (permitted uses) are below (in bold) with examples of relevant research questions.

  1. Informing preventative strategies by Healthcare and Education services e.g., do disabled children attending schools, or living in areas that provide a good level of disability support in school or through social care services, have lower rates of unplanned hospital contacts compared with less supportive schools/areas?
  2. Informing children and their parents e.g., about variation in special educational needs support and outcomes for children with chronic health conditions or disability.
  3. Informing education and clinical practice e.g., investigating whether associations between chronic health conditions and lower school attainment are explained by school absence.
  4. Identifying groups who could benefit from intervention e.g., what are the health outcomes of children post age 16 who have contact with social care services or have special educational needs?
  5. Understanding the most effective methods for working with linked health and education data e.g., what are the most effective methods for working with linked health and education data?