1  Introduction

1.1 Education & Child Health Insights from Linked Data (ECHILD)

This guide introduces researchers to the ECHILD database by providing a broad overview of its coverage, content and creation. ECHILD is a linkable collection of longitudinal, administrative datasets from NHS hospitals, all state school education and children’s social care services for the whole population of children and young people in England.

The administrative datasets from education, social care and hospital contacts that have been brought together in ECHILD are well-documented by data providers and the research community. This user guide does not duplicate existing detailed information about these source datasets. Instead, we highlight key aspects that have implications for the potential uses, strengths and limitations of ECHILD. Variables that are included in ECHILD are available separately in the ECHILD Data Catalogue; Appendix A lists some useful resources related to the constituent datasets.

1.2 Partnerships

The creation of ECHILD was led by University College London in partnership with NHS England (NHSE) and the Department for Education (DfE), and funded by ADR UK (ECHILD, 2023; Administrative Data Research UK, 2023).

Image showing the ECHILD partners: UCL GOS ICH, NHS England, ONS, ESRC, LSHTM, IFS, NIHR, ADUK and DfE.

Approvals to create and evaluate ECHILD as reported in this user guide were granted by DfE (DR200604.02) and NHSE (DARS-NIC-381972). Ethical approval for the ECHILD project was granted by the National Research Ethics Service (17/LO/1494), NHS Health Research Authority Research Ethics Committee (20/EE/0180 and 21/SW/0159) and is overseen by the UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health’s Joint Research and Development Office (20PE16). Further details, including the associated privacy notice, are on the ECHILD website. ECHILD is available for re-use through the Office for National Statistics Secure Research Service (ONS SRS).